Or maybe I’ll just bleed out on the surgery table…

holiday everyday
Or maybe I’ll just bleed out on the surgery table…
Sleeping before midnight.
Dentist anxiety.
Hopefully at 3pm tomorrow I’ll be 1 tooth lighter and drinking a guiness at Flora….
Turkish evening. You see that slice of meat, that’s turkey ham…I thought that was funny.
Dentist tomorrow…not excited.
The lady will be putting needles in my gums, or maybe straight into my brain…who the fuck knows.
I lived a good life.
One task a day keeps me sane.
A little behind the scenes here!!
And they are ALREADY starting to work on it. This is a premium place with way more amenities. I hope they will let me sneak in……OMG LOL.
My FUCKIN’ goodness of the lord…everything is so fun around here right now!!!!
I’m using hogweed as the spice. It’s amazing.
Big day tomorrow….
Romet oil change when it’s warm.
I need a proper bike trip.
2 weeks till Krakow…
I need to sit down after a stressful day riding the scooter, drinking beer and eating.
…tomato test.
You can still buy a massive brick of the best cheese ever..for about 1-2 Euros..WHICH DOESN’T MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE.
..….but why? Why is everyone so crazy today?
..only 1 sauce arrived….and not to my apt…but to the courier office…. Conspiracy?
BUT WHY THE FUCK ARE THE SLICES THICKER THAN MY LEG…I don’t understand this country sometimes….shouldn’t this be shaved..nice and thinly.
It was tasty though…so why am I whining?
It will be perfect for the beach, scootering, French fries and cat food.
I won’t have to spend 8 cents on plastic cutlers from the stores when I have my summer picnics. Life doesn’t get better than this.
…the French Champagne region, OF COURSE!!!
Not feeling as warm as yesterday. Sounds like a conspiracy.
I need to toss her into the washing machine for a quick 15 minute summer “refresh”.