Started a fire.
Crazy rascals.

holiday everyday
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Started a fire.
Crazy rascals.
Maybe the coldest of all time…
Leftover Flora pork. Their portions are extremely generous, even regular orders are enough for 2 fun meals. Their food and service has been exceptional as of late.
….having 10000000000000x more fun than I am.
When will this madness end. Even going to the hallway feels like falling into a Manitoba lake in January, naked, while eating vanilla ice cream. This needs to stop.
I did make a nice and hot bok-choy soup…..with sweet soy. Very nice.
….today. Obviously.
Because of one illiterate clown.
Good luck, everyone.
…now movie night with Ugly as I watch her eat 72% of the WHOLE chicken.
I also need someone to come over and organize my cables..please.
Fine dining bitches.
I am begging you.
The world will celebrate…………the whole world.
OR YOU’LL DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is an old saying “more beef, less grief”.
I can’t believe I just said that.
Also new poolside soon. Everything in upheaval.
Not super fancy but fancy enough.
Yes, I bought a massive steak….it was soooo cheap…… BBQ tomorrow.
I’m in a good mood…so why not…..nice pork LIDL sausages for everyone!!!
I made my famous honey, mustard dill dip……but with no dill.
…smokey bacon.
Now it’s time to head home for a lager and BBQ…it’s deliciously mild out today and motorcycling is a super-joy. When summer?
Ugly ate 1.5 packets and can’t move. I had to physically relocate her from the feeding area to sleeping area.