A gay guy from London just offered me a pweogie. It was very tasty.
holiday everyday
A gay guy from London just offered me a pweogie. It was very tasty.
Life doesn’t get better than this…..although I wish the recipe called for warm crispy bacon.
And the buns were steaks…
Bar and 1st class, of course. Who do you think I am…
Gdańsk główny in 5.5 hours.
Poland has their own simit but it’s softer and more doughy.
My põnczek is carmel and salt. Like a rich aristocrat would order.
35 euros for a small bottle. We’re not in Bulgaria anymore.
Thankfully I’ve yet to see one stay animal.
An old communist era remedy is to line the stomach to get it ready for the next immenent meal.
This place is completely packed. I’ve had to share tables almost everywhere I’ve eaten so far WHICH IS SOMETHING I LOVE DOING.
But. Seriously. It’s fucking expensive here. You can easily spend 100+ Euros for a one person dinner.
We’re not in fantasy world anymore (Bulgaria)