Extremely boring chores day.

13 different tasks checked off in Google Keep – roamed all over Sunny doing boring stuff.

Everyone is tired. I wannnnna go to Varna and do some urban hiking (and IKEA hiking). Hopefully tomorrow.

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I actually got takeout.

..from White Rose. Pizza and pork ears and combined them both and crisped them in the air fryer. OMG OMG!! I don’t have to tell you how tasty and healthy this was.

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Thursday afternoon – White Rose.

I got a small portion of non-vegetarian pork and mushrooms. Super delicious. Everything is fucking delicious here + I got a booth fit for a king!!!

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I am off booze now…but..

Pirinsko is less than 1lv (that’s 50 cents for 500ml)….exactly the same price as 11 years ago. Inflation my ass.

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Basil run to Kabkeshkowo.

I thought I had to resort to dry basil….BUT NOPE!!!!…I got a whole plant like a rich aristocrat.

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I love Mondays.

Love this new book (It’s called “Hey, Hun”)…..I love reading about stupid people, cons, people who perpetrate cons, grifts and general crime that many people don’t see as such. Now that all that crypto garbage and its dumb as fuck cryptobros/cabbageheads are finally realizing they have been duped in the largest financial fraud in history, reading about pyramid schemes and MLMs/cults and how they con women into their cesspool of fraud and deception is the next best thing. Engrossing (and heartbreaking) non-fiction storytelling – if you’re into that type of thing….the book just came out, it’s crazy eye opening and I highly recommend it.

I also ordered the new John Romero book but it appears to be stuck in Austria somewhere.

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