Name 3 things that can solve ALL of life’s (and the world’s) problems?

holiday everyday
Late night Tesla booze run.
….may god have mercy on my soul. Complete lawlessness, madness.
Her focus on the TV is bizarrely comical to say the least. She doesn’t even blink.
Officially switching oil filters from BMW to K&N.
That’s $25 Canadian dollars. Just so you know.
..it’s the fashionable thing to do. I’m still on the fence.
Generally off the menu but still to be found at many bistros around the capital. A vintage rustic dish from the mid 1800s, takes a little patience but is generally simple to prepare if you can source the fresh ingredients, especially locally.
However, when you get a chance to visit Paris and one of its many eateries find a waiter (a Garçon) and whisper “forêt de poulet avec pommes de terre et poivre” into his ear. You will be greeted with a warm smile and a majestic meal you’ll never forget.
While I await deliveries.
Apparently their car broke down and the courier has been calling with updates SINCE 7 FUCKING 30 AM THIS MORNING…..every fucking hour…and at the same time contractors are here installing new tiles next door….which literally feels like someone is boinking me on the head with a rubber mallet.
I told him that next time he’s getting a spanking for lying in the middle of the road.
Both of them. FUCK OFF!!!
They are so fucking nice here, drives me up the wall!!!
It always smells so nice here and it’s ALWAYS so clean, you could not find a mosquito leg anywhere. Just hospital level spotless.
I’ve never actually had coffee here…one day I will get my bitch ass out of the house before noon and have something fancy.
Maybe with caramels….
I’m switching from semi synthetic BMW oil to fully synthetic (5-40). BMW stuff is stupidly overpriced and actually hard to obtain outside the costly dealer (something like 50Leva/liter for semi, they can suck a dick). The shop in Plovdiv that sent this to me is extremely inexpensive, super professional (western style everything) and shipped stuff to me FOR FREE in less than a day. Fuck yeah.
You just wait till my KN filter comes from Germany…but that will be a whole other post.
Hope my post enlightened your day.
How about anyone with a Russian passport/nationality, too….? WOW I’M A GENIUS!!
Of when the bombs were planted by Elon Musk and Donald Trump on the World Trade centers.
#chemtrails #flatearth #maga #911truth #insidejob #transgender #qanon #boeing #xbox #lgbt #salmon