Lineup again at White Rose….super summer continues…it’s so hot.
I’m still in t-shirt.

holiday everyday
Lineup again at White Rose….super summer continues…it’s so hot.
I’m still in t-shirt.
…after serious de-chonkifying…she’s 100000x happier and more spry….I bet she could run a marathon (don’t get me started on her freakish strength, she could pull an IL76 if the need would arise).
Stupid bike still looks showroom condition-brand new. YAY.
…..I like to just “decompress” at my fancy coffee shop with a bowl of hummus and coconut water. I love coming here, everyone is so nice.
Feels like I’m in Canada – everyone is, well, normal…and clean.
I am really into my shirt with writing on it. It’s no “cool dude” but close.
Friday afternoon, shouldn’t everyone be drinking on the beach?
Check out the price of a box of tomatoes AND that SMALL bag of cat litter that lasts exactly 3 days is spot on 15lv.
I use these IKEA bowls for almost everything, they are amazing. That new IKEA365 line they started a year or so ago has some really high quality kitchen dishes (and other bits) – highly recommended. A few days ago I brought down a bowl of cream for the little cats to scavenge on but after coming back moments later to grab the dish….it was FUCKING GONE. Somebody (I am sure it was a Russian) stole my bowl. It was literally there for 5 minutes…ugh.
Anyways, I got 2 more yesterday so I have about 10 spares now. Thank you for reading.
They are sorta delicious but not 100%. They need to be more potatoey and flavory – but they’re fine.
You will not see too many of these around here. Super cool but looked really tiny to me. Still super cool.
Including outside cats, bought them a huge can of gravied chicken delights.
Visited Perla at Starbucks in Burgas, did some shopping and read my comedy book at my favorite 5 star restaurant.
Still no new phone, visited 5 more shops…NO STOCK….too many fucking rich people buying 1500 Euro phones (actually the flagship iPhone here (if you can find one) is almost 4000 Leva..that’s 2k EURO). This world is going to hell….EVERYONE!!!!
It’s also getting cold. Jacket and gloves mandatory now, especially later afternoon highway cruising. It sure is pretty around here for fuck sakes….so PRETTY.
Sunset cruise along the Black Sea was epic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I made it to Sarafovo in less than 15 minutes. Oyyyyy
Although stupid Billa didn’t have my super-fried potato triangles. I was going to get one, just a tiny one….just one…
maybe 2.
There are 62 new arrivals in medical facilities, of which 59 have not been vaccinated.
Few weeks ago the numbers were around 10 a day. Please also understand the real numbers are probably 4x….or much more.
The vast majority of people don’t report it and many may not know they even have it.
Only one…and it’s amazing.
I also ordered a rabbit……have I got mad?
Plus my Fitbit warranty replacement should be here this week.
Still not sure what to get for a new phone. I only have 4, I REALLY need 5. I am leaning towards iPhone 15 in green (but no stock on Amazon for the model I need).
Why is life so complex?
Picked up 2 beef kufetas from “Twins” and added some complexity to the dish by slicing some tomatoes, cucumbers and onion.
Oddly busy day doing nothing today….do I still like Mondays?
It was cold today…I even wore my warm coat today (I have different coats for different temperature ranges now).
Everyone goes NUTS when “ham is in town”.
I got a super tasty Ukrainian beer and my book is awesome. Essentially just a fun adventure story into the lives of the mostest-stupidest people who have ever lived and the largest (and funniest) financial fraud in human history. It’s essentially adventures of cabbageheads, empty brains and greedy gamblers, gullible marks and the tech-obtuse…. and a handful of people who exploited them and took their real money in exchange for FUCKING NOTHING.
This world is a fascinating place.
When someone says to you that 90+% of the world’s population is pigeon-dumb, don’t be offended because it’s a fact.
It’s 3 days old and actually not street legal. Almost 220hp. Think about that. Dude bought it from Dinko….yes, my Dinko in Varna.
The owner is breaking it in then taking it to Germany for track only use. Apparently when the bike is in GPS range of certain tracks you can then (and only then) electronically unblock 100% power.
Some people have all the fun….
New book is funny, Bistro fried chicken was not tasty, super hot out, lots of places are closed – Sea Of Stars (a game for girls between the ages of 3 and 7) is absolutely amazing. Highly recommended.
I need to buy a new phone soon.
New computer STILL has not arrived.
But…when you go outside at around 11pm….it’s fucking freezing….
Made stew (pronounced “stu”) for the very 1st time and it was FUCKING PERFECT. Didn’t use Guiness because it’s impossible to find right now but the pork was really melting in my mouth, the gravy even had this awesome, almost soury flavor. This really worked out perfectly. I still have a batch of leftovers for this evening…..ole!!