30 leva Vlas burger was a bit of a waste of 30 leva.

Is melting cheese on your burger an epic challenge? Is adding a bit of flavor an epic challenge?

Guess we will never know.

The place was super cool and the staff were amazing.

Ohh but also…I asked medium rare and got medium rare. So at least that’s gooooood.

Onion rings were gorgeous and super crunchy but tasted like….just fucking nothing. WILL it kill you to add a little flavor to your otherwise perfect batter.

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I could put my 3 year old bike on the BMW showroom floor today.

And most people would think it’s brand new, 0km.

There is not a mosquito hair scratch on it. The switch gear and paint quality (even on this SUPER CHEAP bike) is absolutely exceptional.

Super impressive for such an inexpensive machine.

(I am still working on Sofia photos..got loads…but I’m too busy right now having beers and doing nothing).

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