holiday everyday
Hopefully it doesn’t melt…..like a tuna.
I ate the whole thing and a roast beef sub sandwich and a half liter beer…..
And I might have a piece of cake.
In a world where one of my cats could quite possibly eat 500 grams of chicken breast in one sitting…..this is nonsense.
Ohh Sto…
Weekend is only days away and I can’t wait to have some fun!!! FINALLY.
Mexican bean salad was OUT OF THIS FUCKING WORLD. ACTUALLY SPICY. I’ll get it every time I come here….2.5 euros.
Also brand new furniture here feels like sitting on 6 cats.
and so gentle.
It’s finally time to relax and unwind.
One AMAZING THING HERE…is 2 for 1 half liter beers between noon and 2 pm.
Which means I need to wake up super early tomorrow to take advantage of this crazy fucking 1.5 euro 500 ml cold Staropromen.
Except rave on 3rd. For now – only rest.
In this fucking heat there isn’t much one can do. Beach is boring, bike trip is out for now (tires will melt) and even walking around for 3 minutes is incredibly exhausting. The air is just still.
It’s all custom work.
Texture and taste is great but as with ALL Bulgarian food, no spices no herbs….
I can’t believe how everything fit so perfectly…just soo damn perfectly. Within a fraction of a MM..
Ghe Givi box is out, it really was just too small and too oddly shaped (more tubby at the bottom). What a crazy difference when it comes to volume this thing is and everything inside is straight…so it’s easy to organize + it’s aluminum and just cooler looking.
I should have done this 100 years ago.
The Givi box is going on the other bike…so waste, no haste.
More photos later + trip soon!!
Asian take on UK pork and beans. Looks bad but I made it sweet and fruity. Total win.
Life doesn’t get better than this.
And that’s a good thing!!!!
That massive pork-stick is a gift that keeps on giving….still marinating…last dish tomorrow.
I will make something crispy.
Also these black mushroomy-seaweed thing…sooo good.
I need to run home and have a couple of lagers till this madness wears off.
Freshly deflated.
While most people spend their Mondays either sleeping or riding the bus for no reason, I’m chilling here on the “road flattener” drinking beers and striking up conversations.
Live love laugh.
You want this!!
The Udon noodles were fantastic!!
There are 640,730 people inside.
Sidewalks on both ends. New asphalt. No garbage.
The restaurant Calico is NOT for sale.