Mashka, the official Taksim Square pup.

This is, BY FAR, the most animal friendly a just shockingly cat loving country on the planet. Cats are almost holy creatures here. And people say I’m nuts…

That reminds me, the next cat tattoo is in order, couple more weeks. Midlife crisis continues.

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Rode the trolley 2 times today.

Once right outside on the rear hitch (very dangerous, something only spiderman would do )….and the 1st time on the inside paying my fare. Dangling on the outside is way more fun.

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35,000 steps yesterday.

It’s go time…40k urban exploring today. I’ll try to have 10 full dinners. I’m not sure wtf is with Turkish food. The more I eat, including 2 meters of bread, the better and more spry I feel. MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE.

Is Turkish food my favorite on earth…well, it’s right up there with Japanese…forsure.

Fucking hell… everything is rad here..fucking hell.

I got this crazy deal on my hotel that should cost $500. I’m paying $25….shhhh don’t tell anyone. It’s huge and I feel like a fuckin’ king in this room.

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