So, it’s Canadian Easter..

…this weekend….and Orthodox Easter next weekend. They didn’t have email or cellphones or cloud based collaboration tools then so they weren’t able to decide on the exact date of this fairytale nonsense.

Looks like another made up party next weekend – I love ALL parties and I will visit Nesebar. The weather should actually be OK!!!!!!

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Did you know…

…that removing the dairy from a FOF, you are pretty much removing %100 of the calories, too.

I ask for no cheese and no sauce, extra pickles. No other McDonald’s on earth when it comes to FOF tastes as good at these patties – not sure why..they are crispy and super hot and flavorful as fuck!!!!

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I live like this….

…..Cat food and supplies buying day – even got the cats a chunk of holiday ham.

Also, last day of sun…..tomorrow starts “pillow fort week”. I am hoping this is the last week or so of cold.

19 next friday…maybe….19 is good..but not 24. 24 is where it’s at, dawg!!!

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