holiday everyday
I am getting bored of this gray one plus it’s over 5 months old now…….
Also, this cat is for sale, $3 – no refunds.
Apparently Jesus is still in his cave. If I were him, I would be doing the same.
Can I say that I am not wild about it? The green is weird. Meh.
Otherwise the bike remains unchanged from previous 2 years.
…but ended up being the dumbest thing I have ever bought. It was still water in an admittedly really fancily branded, heavy, glass bottle filled with still water that tastes no differently than the water in my toilet (which is actually awesome, the water in my condo is fucking fantastic).
This is stupid and wasteful and I’m dumb….sigh.
If you buy this, you’re an idiot and someone nearby should punch you in the face.
About 6 slices of pickles are hidden in the sauce. The fish is soooo crispy and bun so sweet.
Nothing more delicious..and SUPER healthy, too. Fish is practically a vegan fitness superfood, vegan means healthy.
I have given up imagining Bulgarians not throwing garbage and cigarettes on the ground. I can’t envision any mindset changes here for generations to come. It’s so sad seeing folks smoke, old and young. Unimaginable poverty, lack of education, absence of any culture or common sense….sigh.
Filet O fish meal is now….exactly 20 Leva at McDonald’s….
Adjusted my clutch pedal today and lifted it up by just about 1cm, maybe less. Fucking hell, the shifting is sooooo much easier and smoother now as I don’t have to quite “squeeze” my foot below the lever as much as before. Night and day difference, things are far more gentle with a wee less effort. I love how everything is somewhat adjustable with this bike, from the suspension to the levers. Very nice.
Today is also the day when I gently tighten all the fairing bolts. Every season I give them all just a tiny gentle 1/4 turn with an allen key, really makes the bike just a tiny less “rickety”….plus from a safety perspective, it’s always a good idea NOT to have things fall off while cruising.
Beautiful hot day today….yoooo.
The wider they are, the more I know the chicken is done. Who needs a thermometer?
It’s unbelievably awfully tasting….
But wait…for the 5 bucks I also got 2 massive additional chicken thighs. Craziness.
I think this costs around 6 bucks = no more wet socks. Life doesn’t get better than this..
Photo of sock drying coming soon. Stay tuned.
Went to Vlas to pick up my old boots from my local “bootmaestro” and since it’s impossible to replace the broken zipper he has added a super cool leather strap MAD MAX style so I can keep on using them….they are otherwise perfect. 5 bucks well spent.
Now I have 2 pairs…
2 legs = 2 pairs!!!
Random store on the way back bus ride. I’ll actually smell like “The Beach”, when I’m at the beach. Also bought this other super strong lemon cream aftershave. Similar to what the haircut-man doused me with but in a super light non-greasy aftershave gel. Super refreshing, almost like a Vick’s nose inhaler but for your skin. None of this stuff costs more than 3 bucks…amazing fun to cost ratio.
What a crazy world.
This is alllll just so good.
Detox starts tomorrow. Back to rotisserie chickens, tomato salads and chickpeas.
My veggie shop should be open any day now…..10 tomatoes a day, that’s the summer plan.