I made my own BBQ peppercorn sauce.

This was weirdly unplanned, I didn’t even want to eat anything before departure…but I got fucking hungry.

This was the fastest dinner I have ever put together…I have no idea why…boiled the potatoes then put them into the air fryer for a moment. Shallots with butter and I found some weird BBQ powder stuff and added a teaspoon (it made everything jelly), added peppercorns (I love how they get crunchy soft after a while) then grilled the steak on my hot little Japanese non stick for just a few minutes…one flip….buttered both sides….paradise.

Here is the kicker…feel free to murder me. Not only is cooking a steak like this far easier with a lot less effort and cleanup and nonsense than BBQ…I think it’s tastes better.


The steak was butter (and it’s just the standard steak from LIDL which is fucking awesome)….yes, again, it melts in your mouth.

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Laundry day. I leave tomorrow.

Max is taking care of the apartment and the cats and my XBOX and everything else. He’s pure gold!

Sorry I’ve turned this blog in a roll of cat photos….but fun stuff coming soon…REALLY FUN STUFF.

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