Cat Of Today (COT®).

Very relaxing here today….perhaps TOO RELAXING.

I am having a small orange juice that costs 7.5 Leva or the cost of one 60 cent orange.

It’s not quite 31 anymore…cooled down a bit..but still SUPER HOT….

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My Fitbit dead…

Heart at 0.

Sleep at 0.

Battery lasts 15 minutes.

All of this happened in a span of 4 days.

Barely 1/2 a year old…mint condition.

I dread dealing with their fucking tech support…such cunts.

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I wonder if he will get the death penalty.

Anti feminist brutality.
Male onto female restraint, abduction and confinement.
Possible poisoning.
Level 5 General violence against women (the highest level).

Unwanted pillaging and brazen male perversion.

List goes on….

In case anyone is wondering #metoo

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What a truly incredibly amazing summer day.

The temperatures and breeziness are absolutely perfect, everything is now 1/2 speed and every single person I met and had a chat with today is just so fucking relaxed and calm. It’s that ideal time of the year where everyone is going/gone but things are still open and the weather is just UNREAL. My bike has given me sooo much freedom to escape Sunny and really explore the back roads and all these little places the vast majority of people visiting only dream to see.

Probably my favorite day of 2023 today……another BG adventure tomorrow. Stay tuned.

***PLUS WHY THE FUCK HAVEN’T I GONE WILD CAMPING YET…I BOUGHT ALL THE SHIT…most of my super rad camping stuff is still unused….gahh…I need to GO CAMPING, at least for one night…***

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I love summer as much as I love Mondays.

Finally enjoying some “ME” time at Irakli beach nearby. Asked for a drink freshly squeezed from 5 fruits. Splendid…just fucking perfect….CANNOT BE MORE PERFECT!!!

Had a nice egg in a village diner, too….so nice..

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I’m having a chic-nick.

Instead of picnic….because I’m eating a chicken….I can sit here completely naked reading my book and eating…this is what Bulgaria is all about.

Funny thing is that my spot is about 4 minutes away from home.

Live Love Laugh.

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I made Polish “Kotlety Mielone”.

Actually followed the extremely complex recipe (4 ingredients)….even peeled the potatoes like we used to back in the 70s and 80s. Used stale taco chips as the “bread crumbs” and even added some carrot……THIS REALLY WAS SIMPLY PERFECT + I have loads of leftovers for tomorrow and a little bit of beef for Sto…she went coo-coo crazy for this meal today…

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Best Friday evening, ever.

I am too exhausted to do anything today…….new holiday tomorrow.

Today, I will sit like a cat.

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The key to strapping stuff on the bike, especially bags, is looseyness.

Try not to make any points stretch as to stress any of the straps. In fact give everything at least 2cm leeway so it can gently shift around without snapping anything. Dry bags are glued and “welded” and pulling on the loops and connection points is not optimal.

More importantly, always use at least 2 completely separate straps/bunjees in case one breaks…3, even better. This prevents any points of failure and your luggage flying off your bike and decapitating (head clean off) a 7 year toddler in the car behind you on the highway.

I must have slept for 10 hours last night, so comfy. Also, did you know Shell stations sell vinyl and CDs, isn’t that cool?

Heading home, responsibilities await…need to feed cats and get ingredients for my Polish feast.

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