Sto and I discussed oil and brake pad intervals.

I have a new set of Brembo pads coming even though (I REALLY ride my bike like a chubby little bitch-girl) after a few years, my current BMW (originals that came with the bike) pads are still at 60% good.

So are my tires, they look new…

Nothing makes sense….the whole bike still looks showroom condition. I am actually rather proud of that…

Not bad for literally the cheapest and (apparently) least quality bike BMW sells.

Ohh, as you know, BMW is almost always at the VERY VERY bottom of reliablity scales. They are the Tesla and Jeep of bikes.

It’s wild to see 10,000 MILE intervals on some Japanese bikes – the engine clearances are that good and (more importantly) modern synthetic oils are engeneering marvels.

Thank you for reading this.

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So, I bought 2 extremely fresh ALL BEEF rounds from Jane’s.

For only 2 Euros (for both), crazy deal. They shrank a bit and tasted SUPER BEEFY (Canada/US style) but after living here for so many years really nothing beats your own home made mixture of pork and beef burger that’s half filled with raw and fried onions, chillies, 15000 spices and a raw egg. BUT BUT….this was really tasty, just pure, nice beefy taste…..I ate one patty with one side of the bread that I extra crisped in the airfryer (that I use everyday).

I added a dash of truffle mayo to the salad…everything was just nice!!

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Mladost, for some reason, has new stuff.

New brand of feta peppers…and they are fucking fantastic.

Ohh..and all the veggies stores are still open….I guess it’s because it’s the middle of summer still…for some reason….yay!!!

The tomatoes might as well be from May…sweet and warm and juicy and tomatoeyyyyyy.

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I have great news.

IKEA came today with my new dishcloths and computer table and I was able to assemble it without looking at the instructions!!!! It’s those little challeneges that make life worth living.

Look at the note my security dude left for me at the door. Stupid IKEA courier delivers before noon…WHEN EVERYONE IS STILL SLEEPING.

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