Just cat forts and chillin’ at the coffee shop. I order a small beer and suckle on it for 2 hours like a vagrant. I like it here because it’s cozy and warm and people don’t smell like garbage.

holiday everyday
Just cat forts and chillin’ at the coffee shop. I order a small beer and suckle on it for 2 hours like a vagrant. I like it here because it’s cozy and warm and people don’t smell like garbage.
And people say that being religious isn’t a SEVERE form of mental illness/retardation that should require counselling and medication.
“In Bulgarian folk tradition, the holiday is also known by several names, such as Ihtim, Ihtima, Petarovden, or Petlarovden, each linked to the central ritual of rooster sacrifice. In households with male children, a rooster is offered as a sacrificial gift. The ritual is conducted by boys aged 15 to 16, known as the “petelar,” under the condition that they are “sexually pure,” a belief thought to ensure the ritual’s effectiveness. The rooster’s blood is used to draw cross signs on the foreheads of boys, marking them for health throughout the year. Crosses are also marked on doors and gates, with the rooster’s head placed at the east side of the gate for protection against evil forces.”
Disguising…fucking disguising.
(ohh and yes, these fucking idiots use the rooster’s head to “draw” with).
Water will turn into icicles then it will be all over.
Deadly icicles.
This cat is a hooligan, tried to steal my stuff.
At least he’s comfy. Super sunny today.
New fur covers for outside seating. Very VIP.
…than making ham/bacon based food with 3 cats around.
I think they would just continue on eating rolled up ham…….till death.
I got 2 dishes.
BUT ALSO…I will have more ducks at home……what a fun day.
BUT…so fucking cold that I had to take the bus home from Jane’s….just can’t walk and breathe at the same time.
As of this afternoon.
Piece of shit iPhone camera makes it look dull…but take my word for it…the walls are paper white….thank you to my management company!!!
My cigarettes are in the glove compartment.
Dinner should be ready in one hour.
Just chilling and relaxing but I wish more places were open. Outside is -2 but people are mixing fancy cocktails and eating super snacks. This is the only busy place in the neighborhood.
Holiday soon.
When summer?
Cold sucks.
I have essentially the whole slab of ribs from Flora that I didn’t eat last night…for some reason. I will make a leftover feast.
History of Blizzard book is fascinating.
I wish I could find herring in vinegar, it’s always in oil.
I have been drinking almost nothing everyday. One beer…if that, weird.
Segway superscoot is going to Sofia for a front motor upgrade and a new sensor – some weird recall, whatever. They are bringing a truck to pick it up. Warranty.
Tomatoes are as hard as apples and taste terrible, super sad.
WWIII soon!!
Maybe coldest ever.
Rareish, I made on a pan with loads of butter and a little salt…that’s it.
My side is onion and red pepper and a little horseradish and beet mixture. Sublime.
*I had to defrost it slowly on the heated floors…it’s fucking 0 degrees here…..winter.
Major backfire.
I have no fucking clue why the bag of IKEA buns cost 13 Leva.
The sausages were 6 (that’s fine).
I have no fucking clue why ketchup costs 12 Leva.
I ended up eating 2 of them, they REALLY were not that tasty (they are super tasty at the stores).
Shared the 3rd one with the cats (they were yelling at me madly, what choice did I have?)……ONLY TO FIND 3 NEAT PILES OF SWEDISH VOMIT AT 4AM IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HOUSE.
IKEA is dead to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SOOO nice and warm out!!!!
….Cali-fornia’s eyes are no longer infected….she’s so plump now, almost the size of a rotisserie chicken.
I put a little bit of pesto on the fish and used the power-oven….so dang delicious.
I also added a little paprika. Wild.
I should eat more fish, maybe my hair will grow back.
And eat in bed.
I think I’m onto something revolutionary.
No bags of garbage and dishes.
No water or electricity waste.
Just a nice person coming to gate with nourishment.
Take Musk and Putin with you. Please do the planet a favor…..
You are all vile turd-monsters and history will not be kind to you.
It was 100% vegetarian before I added the Bulgarian sausage. I still find Bulgarian sausages like this without any flavor. It’s a shame…really strange.