New beach towel.

Ohhh did I say my sister and Tyler are here?

More photos needed.

I should buy some furniture.

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Most surprising outcome this evening as I test new meals for everyone.

I actually tried a teaspoon of this. It’s incredibly tasty. Chicken breast with not too sweet pumpkin and nothing else. Of course, no spice and no salt. …just brine and a perfect amount.

It’s good. I mean it.

Served it to Ugly this evening, her 1st time trying this recipe……she inhaled it…I’m surprised she didn’t eat the plate….omg this is perfect.

I’m so happy.

I’m ordering more from West Germany next week.

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Birdie of the day.

I have a million photos…going back a week now….busy doing nothing.

Craziness here. Craziness.

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Box of the day!!

Also my new Ospray shopping bag came..

AND ALSO…50 cent Budweisers !!!

You buy a 6 pack and you only get 5…but they are kind enough to throw you a freebee for being a patriot.

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I love my house…

Rave was great…I sleep….my stupid sister is coming in a few hours and I’m so fucking excited…


Never parting again….no more raves, no alcohol….only bread.

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All day today…zero nothing….

Heading to Rave at around 1am….9am we have plans to go to Iglika for some beers.

After already drinking 100 of them – we will try to “hide some booze in the dunes®

May god have mercy on our slous.

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