My new #nodish policy is working great.

holiday everyday
..liver crisps for breakfast are the hot new craze sweeping the nation by storm.
Then heading into town. Super warm out.
**ohh, everyone should have a fuckin’ air fryer**
Although T-Market has bread today for 99 Stotinki.
At least 4,815 children were sexually abused by members of the Portuguese Catholic Church – mostly priests – over the past 70 years, a report by the commission investigating the issue said on Monday, adding the findings are the tip of the iceberg.
“(We want) to pay a sincere tribute to those who were abuse victims during their childhood and dared to give a voice to silence,” said child psychiatrist Pedro Strecht, who headed the commission. “They are much more than a statistic.”
Strecht said the 4,815 cases were the “absolute minimum” number of victims of sexual abuse by clergy members in Portugal since 1950.
Most perpetrators (77%) were priests and most of the victims were men, Strecht said, adding that they were abused in Catholic schools, churches, priests’ homes, confessionals, among other locations.
The majority of the sexual abuses took place when the children were aged 10-14, with the youngest victim being just two-years-old.
This is just ONE country….imagine what is happening TODAY..RIGHT NOW all over the world especially in places like Poland.
Kyiv, Ukraine
The scenes are chaotic: Russian tanks veering wildly before exploding or driving straight into minefields, men running in every direction, some on fire, the bodies of soldiers caught in tank tracks.
Russian military bloggers are calling it a fiasco, and worse.
These scenes have been recorded by Ukrainian military drones over the past two weeks around the town of Vuhledar in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, where successive Russian assaults have failed.
The Vuhledar debacle suggests chronic failures in the command and tactics of the Russians as they gear up for a spring offensive. If replicated elsewhere on the long military front in Donetsk and Luhansk, such failings could jeopardize the Kremlin’s plans to seize more territory.
About 20 videos geolocated by CNN show basic tactical blunders in an area that’s open and flat, where Ukrainian spotters on higher ground can direct artillery strikes and where minefields are worsening Russian casualties.
No conflict as stupid as this one has ever been recorded in human history. Funny thing is – if all the russian cockroaches would run back across the border into the toilet then this could be over in just a few days. Sigh.
..you put under regular pants so my BMW armor pants don’t needlessly chafe my princess-like tender skin. Best $10 ever!!!
Outside of the fuzzy comfort they add a layer of warmth. Don’t we all deserve a little more warmth.
Thank you for looking at my photos.
Air fried chicken with tpotato puree. Tpotato is super sweet and potatoey, just revolutionary.
And FIGS for dessert.
I am still recovering from Sofia weekend….sleep early today.
Tomorrow IKEA feast.
Have you seen my new bag?
OMG it is sooooo damn cool. I’m trying to buy food and other stuff to match its color. Juice, cucumbers, green dish sponges. You get the picture.
I fucking hate dishes, there are always at least 4000 things to wash for no reason at all, I don’t get it. From now on, wash everything in real time. I have devised a system where I punish myself with 1 Leva whenever I leave a dish in the sink and put the money aside in a coffee cup. When it reached 100 Leva I go to Burgas and spend it on sushi.
Ohhh new scale is super cool. Syncs with everything so Google knows when I’m snacking too much.
I really should be sleeping when the cats are.
Which means 93% of the day.
I fucking wish I had sprouts and not forgotten FUCKING green onion…..I will redo this tomorrow, loads left.
5 hours to go.