Month: February 2023
Late night Greek fish. What a pleasant day today.

I win again…another awesome veggie soup.
Chickpeas and peas and beans…
And my new IKEA ladle works GREAT and it was only 7 bucks…and it’s nice and heavy…no seams..just pure silver!!

Made an awesome mushroom breakfast. The least important meal of the day.
New knives are awesome and the whole set was less than 15 bucks. I’m done with large and heavy knives forever. It’s all about small and super sharp and serrated.

Everyone is awake super early – Amazon is coming.

Washing bike was boring today.
Opposite of how enjoyable it always is under 35 degree heat.
So….looks like winter starts tomorrow and 20 deg fun is all but over.

I haven’t had a good corn in ages.
I think I am hooked on tofu, this particular brand. Ohh my.

Muddiest of all time.

I’ll have more tofu today. This brand is amazing.


According to the forecast, it’s not raining today.

I am on a roll.
Found smoked tofu and just cut it up over some beans and warm peppers, lots of butter and a little olive oil + found the prettiest piece of bread in Bulgaria and made one of those stupid oil and balsamic dip things…THAT ARE JUST ABSOLUTELY EPIC.

Zero winter here this year. None. Another summer day.
Not one thing exists on earth that’s funnier than this cat.

Jesus Lizard ..this is the coolest whip I’ve ever seen.

My overly handsome postman delivered this today.
I’m so fucking happy.

There is a massive hierarchy when feeding the outside cats
One misstep and it’s a tornado of angst and scratchiness.
It’s more of a calculated dance…..

Who’s nose is more prominent?
Sto has the elegance and modern flair, no doubt.

I’m only eating chickpeas from now on..
…and beets.

Cockroach embassy in London.

I am briefly off the wagon (or on, don’t know the difference). Just a 24 hour break.
OMG it’s so much fun around here.

I don’t really recommend IKEA pickled fish.
This sweeter version, there are 2, tastes like sweet pickled fish. It’s simply something you don’t need in your life.

I went to Janet’s for an 11pm sausage and peanuts run.

Adventuring way out in the boonies today.

I made some chickpea + other veggie wraps.
I added a small snake of mayonnaise for additional flavoring.

The Shell station in Sunny has the friendliest people in Bulgaria, maybe on earth.
But sadly, my jacket doesn’t really match the color of the pump. I need to figure something out.
I’m off to Poroy and Alexandrovo.

Today will be fucking excellent. I’m heading deep into the villages.

Ohh Sto. Her life fantasy is to eat my brain and eyes then a box of this food once a day. The whole box….everyday forever.

I am trying to reflash my board…
…but it’s not working. Stupid computer doesn’t see it.

Tap tap tap..