Not many poor people here.

Or people wearing tracksuits/pajamas. What a place to shop for snacks and other delights…..wooowwwaaweeewahh.

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Probably the only dentist office where…

you are actually happy to visit and are sad leaving. Here is some inside info, I got a new filling (cracked tooth on a stupid fig) and a full Cavitron cleaning. I am so fucking happy.

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Midnight chicken in Luton.

Trip is absolute butter, with the flight, Burgas airport, the super fast and friendly bus ride from Sunny to arriving in Luton and getting past 1000s of people (everyone is coming back from their holidays, it’s literally Lutton airport’s busiest 24hours of the year).

I got past passport control somehow with my Bulgarian ID card…maybe she thought I was Ukrainian (crazy 1st class treatment for Ukrainian refugees everywhere I go…which is good..FUCK RUSSIA – FUCKING COCKROACH MURDERERS AND THIEVES!!!…decades of oppressing and stealing from the people of Europe by these pieces of shit is finally about to end…..the country is going back to the stone age and I could not be happier……**remember I was born in Poland…Russia fucked and plundered Poland, too…stole everything and murdered 1000s of Poles for no reason at all….).

Good day.

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Here wo go.

But check this. Even lighter this time but only because I’m flying into opulence with most things available to me at the local village shops or overnight Prime. I actually ordered yet another Osprey pack just to see what it’s all about along with a bagazillion other things to mule back from UK (on my Amazon UK account).

Take that fucking Brexit.

I even have my SUPER fucking heavy 14 inch Mac and a spare raincoat again. I love this bag and light travel. This really makes a huge difference in traveljoy.

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