It was a bit chilly but not really……to do the oil change today. I almost wish doing this took longer. I can do this in probably 4 minutes.
It’s way more fun when it’s really hot and I’m not super focusing on it…taking time, drinking beer, watching youtube + every neighbour stops by to say hi and have a bullshit….
But yeah..I am happy it’s all done…and bike went through 1/2 clean today…there was a lineup at my normal wash…so I had to use this stupid one….I only like my wash on the back highway at the new station….it’s very strong and misty.
Had a super quick Bistro (but I am starting to slowly move over to more delicate food at the cool boutique restaurants. I think more salmon and avocado and less pork-piles.
Ohh yeah yeah…today was also clock-face Windexing day….yeah, it’s a thing around here. Charge up the batteries and clean the clocks…..if you know what I mean!!!