All of the necessary DNS changes have been made. The VPS is up and updated and all the security software is installed and, mostly, configured.

I am using with ModSecurity with OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (plus a few other little hacks with the .htaccess file). SMTP transport is ready to roll, too. Sticking with “sendinblue”. They work well, even with their free tier.

Now onto captcha and caching.

Then the daunting task of shuttling almost 100GB of data from the other server.


Categorized as BLOGPOST


chewyland.com is moving onto its own self managed cloud server (VPS) over the coming days so please don’t mind the interruptions. I have been planning this for years (this blog is more than 13 years old) and it’s finally time. If you are interested, I will be posting some technical details soon. I am also planning on enabling comments and perhaps a forum.

I will be able to host higher quality images and video and decrease load times. I am also testing the site on cutting edge release of Ubuntu and PHP 8.

Please note the legacy content will be still be available under a new archives subdomain.

Thank you for your patience.


Categorized as BLOGPOST