Day today.

Took father and Kris for pork ears. Cats are getting great food…and I got an afternoon fish. The only problem was that my File O Fish arrived upside-down…..I had to flip it over which was exhausting and the worst thing to have happen to me today.

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The crypto morons that I know here have officially given up and stopped comically doubling down on their crypto-fantasies.

It only took year or so of me laughing but also trying to (fruitlessly) explain these scams to them……poor idiots…they lost actual real money…

Now it’s back to work…no Lambo (but I am sure they chipped in to paying for one to some super smart scammer who took their money so easily and astonishingly, perfectly legally).

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Random photos.

BK fake chicken nuggets taste exactly like chicken. Exactly. I most certainly think they are far less healthy than eating chicken protein…but what do I know?

The flavor and texture is identical.

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