holiday everyday
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Picked up another small Ethernet segment from the Sunny Beach computer shop – which is fucking amazing by the way!! Their service department is extensive and everything is fancy and new. They mostly focus on POS machines from hotels and restaurant. Cool stuff, especially hearing the Windows XP startup chime (lots of point of sale stuff still runs on XP and XP embedded).
It’s really quite gross around here right now. Super cold and garbagey and sad. Few more weeks. Few more weeks…..we can do it!!!
But hey, at least our beautiful neighbourhood got some snow and freezing weather. I wish I could just sleep for the next 2 months straight.
This is Chinatown in BC’s capital, we lived just about 3 blocks away on Johnson St. in our fancy sub-penthouse (it really wasn’t, I just like saying that…but holy crap that place is probably worth 1.5mil today and it’s a tiny 1 bedroom..but it was fancy and new and super cool).
The little grocery shop on the right had the best pigeon (Amalia still remembers cutting the head off before grilling) and just to your right was the sketchiest take out place with the best ‘duck and rice’ dish in town. Fuck it was dirty there, in a great way, of course, ate there 1-2 times a week.
To the left and just about a block away was Hush nightclub where I spend %92 of my time dancing, doing drugs, DJing, being drunk and obnoxious and making out with very questionable females.
Loved the packaging and since it only cost 50 cents, I ended up buying it. Translated, this is a breakfast snack.
Contents include delicious chocolate covered pretzels.
I suggest using the Authy app as it’s cross platform, free and easy to use.
Bed ruffling or making unsavory noises is a massive no no.
She was able to salvage the ingredients with some trickery of spice and technique.
Here it is, the whole FTP dump of 13 years of madness and joy.