Cat Of Today (COT®).

He was lying in the middle of the street suntanning. I had to physically lift him and place him on the nearby grasses then give him a stern “talking to”.

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Manitoba is looking great.

Sooooo many tree fluffies. Anyone with allergy retardation would be having a super hard time right now.

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3 straight days of just rain.

I’ve been making food, watching airplane videos and reading my book. At this rate I’m cancelling Sunny Beach summer 2023.

So many cancelled events and fun things I had planned to do. It’s not even gentle rain where you can go outside with a rain jacket and walk around….this is serious super headache-gloomy Vancouver rain that just won’t fucking stop.

At least it’s warm and I still have loads of fun food in the fridge.

I can’t even go outside to make a stupid YouTube video, I’ll die and the GoPro will electrify.

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This was yesterday’s country harvest.

I’m building rapport with my local veggie shops. They let me try stuff, tell me what’s fresh and what is sweet. Everyone except the veggie shop nearby takes contactless payments……sadly I stopped going there, I’m not taking out cash to buy green onions and peaches.

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