What a glorious day.

I went cruising around the vineyards. Did you know there are some really pretty farms, hills, vineyards and just beautiful farm roads exactly 1.5 minutes from where I live…just in front of me is the Black Sea.

Never get tired of living here.

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Lineup at White Rose at 2pm.

Good for them, their prices are exactly the same as 10 years ago and everything is tasty, spotless and friendly. This is the OG place…and will always be one of my favorite places to dine.

Fish and koza soup today. Just sooo fuckin’ dang tasty.

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Bike wash secrets…..shh.

It’s all about the IKEA spray bottle with a dash of dishwashing fluid. Spray the bike…sponge…then rinse with just water….all you need.

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Huge bike trip soon to new places..and old.

I am having soooo much fun here right now, it’s hard to decide when to leave….weather is fuckin’ perfect. Lots of fun with my YouTube fans.

I will try to do something fun for my 200th video.

But I have to be responsible…balance…rest…

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A little stressed today.

In time of conflict I generally like to have at least 6 of my favorite soaps as backups in my home but today I noticed my supplies dwindling to only 3 bars…. thankfully I was able to replenish swiftly and efficiently and they were on sale (20 stotinki OFF – super cena).

Additionally I brought my SUPER fancy bag out today. It’s Sunday, so why the fuck not? Life is short.

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