Last day in AMS. SO MUCH FUN HERE…but so expensive and so busy.

Not joking. You can spend 500 euros here everyday….just to live…not actually buying anything or doing anything extravagant.

Hotel room in the city center the size of your bed (yes, the room is just bed and maybe a square meter to put down your luggage) is 350 Euros.

Flying out of Eindhoven… the evening…which means another day of exploring.

I don’t understand why my bag is 2x fuller. The only thing I bough were my obligatory 5 Euro Primemark tshirts. I love Primemark.

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Traveling with kayak bag…

All my clothes are inside. Tshirt weather again and I dressed up for a Manitoba blizzard. Why is life so hard?

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Almost one million with no power yesterday.

I didn’t have power today either, but only briefly (10 minutes). I can’t even imagine if they said 10 days +… do people cope?

Did you know that in some of the large cities people still rely on heating “from the state” as in….hot water heating? This used to be a thing in the 50s…during communist times…but it still exists here. Just blows the mind.

The government decides when you’re cold and when you’re not.

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Leftover day.

Fitness meatballs with my last packet of IKEA gravies. This really put a smile on my face!!!

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I walked over to T-Market just to get some tongue.

A little Sunday evening snack with a droplet of white vinegar and peppers.

I gave a few super thin slices (20) over to Sto…she goes completely nuts. She’s always been a connoisseur of top culinary gratification.

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BOAT STORY is the best TV series I’ve watched in years.

It’s a real “feel good” story full of twists, a little comedy, turns and zany characters.

It’s also filled with great food and French anecdotes. 6 episodes thus far..I am hoping for 600 more.

Here is one of the reviews.

“Boat Story juggles a perilous number of balls, but keeps them aloft without showing any strain. It’s a triumph of sense, sensibility and style. I love it. We can have nice things.”

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I made a traditional French style meatloaf.

It’s made entirely of pork and different types of vegetables with a slight chicken center. If you are looking for a recipe just search for “PORC A’LA LE POULET DU CENTER AVEC CORNICHON GARLIQUE”


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Some happy news.

Looks like 2 Unlimited (the greatest band of all time, all earth, all heavens and all of the skies) will be back in Burgas once again.

I died of joy last time I saw them…literally I was dead from fun…..


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