Turkish noodles and my take on pea soup.

The pea “soup” was INCREDIBLE. It was essentially just peas that I squished with my potato masher (baton) added a beak of chicken stock and butter…AND NOTHING MORE…AMAZING.

I found the Turkish noodles at the local shop…1st time…delicious…they have tiny pieces of spicy pork inside…almost vegan.

Life doesn’t get better than this.

Now it’s time for sweets!!!

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I make the greatest soup on earth.

Fight me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Super spicy tomato, shitakie, onion and potato and lots of herbs awesomeness.

Tomorrow, I have to be showered up and out of bed before noon because a little birdie told me The Sunny Bistro will have my very favorite dish on earth – their super custom livers + rice + gravy and salad.

It’s my very favorite dish on earth. I will eat one there and bring one home for….later….or I will just eat both portions like a bison.

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Tapster phase 1.

So you pay for the ring and the ring sizer ahead of time. The sizer comes in the mail 1st with a 100% off coupon for the ring (I also got a 30% off thing for Black Friday shit – the whole thing cost about 70 Euros).

After you measure your sausage-fingers you login to the site with the code, choose your size (I’m a 12, hint hint) and the ring gets shipped for free. BUT ALSO…during the process, your payment method gets automatically added so all this useless shit is ready to roll the moment it arrives.

Good system, although a little wasteful…more to come.

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You think Bulgarian is hard…

Try communicating with Simba trying to buy some crunchy chicken food and a few cans of beef without gravy….and watching her deal with the credit card terminal….meow meow…


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Evening at Emilia.

Risotto (which is just a fancy name for 1$ rice) with chicken, Parmesan and asparagus.

It’s ok…maybe better than OK…asparagus steals the show…crunchy and asparagussy. I love coming here, everything is so nice…clean…doesn’t smell like poop….and the people working here are just fucking lovely.

I miss summer and walking over to my veggie people to pick up daily fruits and whatever fun Bulgarian “produce of the day” they have…super lucky to live here…the summer stuff is out of this world.

Summer is a few weeks away….zero winter here this year….just zero…thanx Obama.

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Might as well be a summer evening.

Stayed out till 5am drinking 1 Euro beer with some Ukrainian rascals. Dang rascals, indeed.

Today I’m showcasing my new Switzerland shirt. Hopefully I’ll get some positive reinforcement and compliments from the local gipsy girls. It cost me 3 Euros, let’s hope it pays for itself before the sticker falls off.

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Every morning….

…I pray “dear god, please send a meteor that kills all of humanity”.

But leave the cats, dogs, penguins and elephants. Those are cool.

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