They have sourdough pizza and sourdough bread. Bread sold out….I’ll come next week.
The pizza was amazing….but I am certain everyone knows that Bulgarians make the best pizza in the world (yes, it’s better here than in Italy..sorry).

holiday everyday
They have sourdough pizza and sourdough bread. Bread sold out….I’ll come next week.
The pizza was amazing….but I am certain everyone knows that Bulgarians make the best pizza in the world (yes, it’s better here than in Italy..sorry).
Laundry, dumpster beer in Nessebar then I had to build a “laser castle” for Birdie……although Sto attacked and toppled it…typical Sto.
Polish neighbours brought over some incredibly tasty pasta (this will be a huge blog post regarding Polish food…something different..a new take on things).
White Rose opens any day now!!!!!!
I also ate chicken legs straight from the air fryer this evening to avoid spending 1.5 hours washing the fucking dishes.
Exactly 10 days till Digweed in the capital…excited to visit my Sofia park drinkers.
Back to summerish weather and BMW trip coming imminently….stay tuned.
Thank you for reading.
Made a random food plate but….I can’t believe JUST HOW DELICIOUS avocados are right now…but why? Why do they taste so nice at this time of the year. The avocado salad on pumpernickel with pickle “sails” is simply fucking divine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m so mad. They’re going to the outside cats, stat…so weird..
I’ll only eat the beans…….yes, only beans for dinner today. get out of bed these days.
But my eyes are no longer hysterically crying while I’m scootering down the coast. The googles make soooooo much difference in terms of comfort, sun and overall face-warmth. $15 well spent….
Had to wear double-pants just to cruise to the store. It’s sooooo cold.
So cozy here….I don’t think a cozier house exists anywhere….
I made the rusticest chippets of all time + goat dip.
Tomorrow weekend, cold out, I think I will take some time to relax and unwind.
I can either spend 40 Leva at a restaurant and NOT have to wash dishes and spend hours slaving away or spend 50 Leva at the fucking store and have barely enough food at home for one evening then spend 4 hours cleaning.
Nothing makes sense anymore.
I can smell the pepperyness from the 1st floor… kidding. It’s so fucking good…..
I was super bored.
The area around the elevator buttons gets a little dirty. 10 minutes of wiping, sanding and painting……the management company usually does this in the spring..
but…again….we were bored..and my cool Polish neighbours helped out…
His name is Nikita!!
She said it’s just her overall floppy circumference….which is optimal for a person in middle-age.
I monitor her food like a hawk….sometimes she growls when I only give her 1/4 pack….but she needs to live at least another 30-40 years…..
But the weather will start sucking in a couple of days….they are even saying…..rain.
I will play video games. I bought MAD MAX for XBOX for $7 and it’s REALLY fucking awesome….even just driving around in the dunebuggy around the dunes and senselessly ramming into things……so fun.
Can’t wait to play old school gangster rap around the beach on full in the summer. I want to be “that guy”.