Author: chewyland
1am tenderloin. This is normal.

Exciting to be me right now. More info in the coming days.
I’m off to Varna for “business” to sign some paperwork, eat caviar in a park, be afternoon drunk and work on a few more calculator hobby projects.

Jarek, my loving friend from Poland just sent me this. He lives where I grew up – on the Baltic Sea. He is also my Bulgarian “summer neighbour”.


Eating 2 soups at the same time and doing beer shots. Proper lunch.
Twins BBQ opens tomorrow.

A super secret glimpse into the new Janet.

Intelligence, education, respect and common sense prevent human breeding.

Today was essentially centered around drinking. Ohh, Janet sign is up – store opening imminent!!!
My motorbike has its first sticker.
I live like this.


This is barely a month of computer filth. So much shame.
Spray air and vacuuming can only go so far, the rest is all toothbrush and q tips.

Something to consider..

More smoked duck today…Once you duck, you just can’t stop (that’s an old saying).

Miami Vice Amigas.

You’re a duck salad.

Did you know that if you don’t eat, you can die?

Kelly setting up the WiFi on his oven.
Today is cheesy chicken burger day. It’s cheesy which means delicious.

1AM steak!!

I still wonder if we will see any Brits here this season.

This is what I call ‘The best case scenario truck’. I love this thing.

Vintage Peter Norton programmer’s book is here.

I FINALLY tested out my new XBOX headset. It’s OK, it was cheap – it is cheap.

Both are just fine.

Birdie and her cute Jewy nose..

Monday breakfast.