This is the heaviest knife I’ve ever held, it’s all metal. Sharp as hell. I cleaned it with Palmolive to get rid of any murder marks, blood and dna. It’s going into my toolbox. Chop Chop…
Author: chewyland
Night 2 with our new BEST FRIENDS. Epic octopus dinner and epic banter. I am so lucky.
I was on the bike all day today just doing boring stuff…
…so still no trip. I will wait till tomorrow. We have clouds and it was windy all afternoon, not great for a long motorbike trip + taking a video in the windyness sucks. Tomorrow I go (plus you hear the best pants story, ever).
Shrek lunch today.
Second Victron controller is here along with my new SUPER FANCY off road lights for the BMW.
Partying at Flora this afternoon.
New LADDAs and banana sheets. You need banana sheets.
She always sleeps 8cm away from me.
We call this place Manitoba. It smells like Winnipeg after a rain…for some fucking reason…It’s a thing.
Not my thing, but it’s sure cool.
It’s time for a boot. But fun trip postponed till tomorrow. Too windy today.
OMG OMG, I found a super deal on a mint vintage TI68 which means I have 2 calcs coming this week.
I have the PDF manual now, too.
Poland continues to live in the 18th century.
The vast majority of people still believe in an imaginary flying person in the sky, think the bible is a real thing, support the church mafia and ,of course, it’s the country with the most stringent abortion laws, right wing populism and homophobia. I am embarrassed.
Sign from a pro choice rally, really good.
Pork and potatoes and plums. All on the bbq. Amazing, of course.
The 1st super cold day of the season.
Plus the tickets were not crazy-ass expensive….