The rack is finally on. It was fiddly but I think…

…this time it was more me and really bad instructions. If I were to do this again I could probably get it done in 30 minutes and not 2 hours.

Very happy + it was super fun at Gerber 2…everyone sat around to chat and hang out with me. Super sunny today, too….time for a beer to celebrate.

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Here is the luggage rack I have waited for…for 2 months.

It’s currently in its unmounted state, obviously. I will attempt to mount it tomorrow, apparently it’s a pain in the ass.

Super freezing temps today – thank the lord above I am able to keep my bike inside. God Bless you Alma holidays.

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Absolutely the craziest motorbike ride….

…of my life, ever. Cruised down one of Bulgaria’s most winding and dangerous roads in a ‘one in 1000 year storm’. Took me 3 hours to cover 100k. Frozen and full of mud. Wow, this was really fucking nuts…

I can’t believe I made it. There were about 32 instances when I thought I was dead. Nobody would have found me….nobody would probably even bother to look for me in any of the muddy ravines.

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Another amazing hot sauce.

Super spicy, super bright and full of flavor. I hate spicy sauces that are spicy for the sake of being spicy.

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