Author: chewyland
4am Monday morning.
Sunny is in a complete blackout…were roaming around with music, lanterns, and beers…like normal people…
The cats of Gerber2.
New water boiler switch, about the most exciting thing to happen here in weeks.
Kelly Cotswolds photo of the day.
I have never congratulated a person, ever, on getting a job.
“Congratulations Kevin now you can waste your whole fucking day doing horseshit you don’t like instead of enjoying your life”.
Drinking rakia from the roof of the Lada. Doesn’t get better than this.
Pork fitness poutine.
Once a year I have hard booze..
I got TI-connect working on the M1 mac through Rosetta 2. Works perfectly.
Calc is detected and charging and I can transfer my nonsense back and forth. Winner is me!!!