I have made a life change today.

Since my super cool BMW bike gloves finally arrived I will be using my previous (SUPER AWESOME) leather gloves I bought in UK as “fashion gloves”. BOOM, be jealous!!

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BMW gloves have finally arrived from Germany and they are awesome!!!!!

These are winter gloves and are perfect for this chilly weather. It’s been a little cold (less than 10 degrees) but super sunny. As long as it’s sunny, I am sunny.

Another stupid story. I ordered a super fast Micro SD card for my GoPro but they emailed me back last week and told me it was lost and refunded my money. Yet it came. What a crazy business model they have over there.

GoPro needs a SUPERFAST card to keep up with the 4k data and audio. Video soon, sorry I’ve been a mixture of super busy and super lazy!!

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Yes, please.

I am always so conflicted. Sexyness of the leather bench seat in the front or bucket seats and the manual? I hate thinking about this…

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The rack is finally on. It was fiddly but I think…

…this time it was more me and really bad instructions. If I were to do this again I could probably get it done in 30 minutes and not 2 hours.

Very happy + it was super fun at Gerber 2…everyone sat around to chat and hang out with me. Super sunny today, too….time for a beer to celebrate.

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Here is the luggage rack I have waited for…for 2 months.

It’s currently in its unmounted state, obviously. I will attempt to mount it tomorrow, apparently it’s a pain in the ass.

Super freezing temps today – thank the lord above I am able to keep my bike inside. God Bless you Alma holidays.

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