I need to start the mounting process, if you know what I mean???

holiday everyday
I need to start the mounting process, if you know what I mean???
Not only does it arrive right at my door, it’s actually 22% cheaper. Live Love Laugh!!
The other one disintegrated and strangely
,Jumbo, doesn’t sell them.
…from 2 days ago. I actually like riding at night (unlike driving the van). My new crazy-ass off-road highway lights make everything daytime.
My Free GoPro GOOSENECK is arriving tomorrow and the washing machine should be here in about 10 minutes. Renovations are going SUPER slowly but moving forward at the very least!!!
Bought ready made pretzels that only need about 10 minutes of oven-time. Pretzle-Perfect.
So far everything is soft. Soft=bad.
While the renovations continue…..
The current one is old and loud + the spin cycle is so broken the machine pretty much ends up on the other end of the livingroom now from the vibrations like an angry crab.
Additionally, I left a coffee cup on top of a table the other day and the dryer cycle knocked it catastrophically down…the mess was about 1 square KM. I didn’t even take a photo of it…it was that bad. There was more coffee and coffee grounds on the ground…than actual visible ground.
Plus the fucking beeps all the time because the water pump is weak + it’s super old school inefficient. The new machines use a tiny bit of water and electricity.
Imagine me sitting at a beach bar in the height of summer with 2 beers in hand and Alexa beeps my phone “your laundry is ready, Matthew…..your laundry is ready, Matthew!!!!”. This is the future I want to live in, this is the future I deserve.
It’s spectacular….but for some reason not as cheap as you would think. A portion costs almost 8lv…that’s more than restaurant. Still, well worth it, it’s delicious.
I am now religiously staying within 1-2 beers a day and a few power-sausage bites. So far so good. Off to Flora I go.
The new side bags are PERFECT for day trips and shopping…Way more space than I need for daytime jaunts and Janet/Lidl dinner groceries.
At least I got my hairs cut – boy…do I ever feel better!!!!!