I love Mondays.

Just chilling and relaxing but I wish more places were open. Outside is -2 but people are mixing fancy cocktails and eating super snacks. This is the only busy place in the neighborhood.

Holiday soon.

When summer?

Cold sucks.

I have essentially the whole slab of ribs from Flora that I didn’t eat last night…for some reason. I will make a leftover feast.

History of Blizzard book is fascinating.

I wish I could find herring in vinegar, it’s always in oil.

I have been drinking almost nothing everyday. One beer…if that, weird.

Segway superscoot is going to Sofia for a front motor upgrade and a new sensor – some weird recall, whatever. They are bringing a truck to pick it up. Warranty.

Tomatoes are as hard as apples and taste terrible, super sad.

WWIII soon!!

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Sooooo…you can’t make better steak than this..

Rareish, I made on a pan with loads of butter and a little salt…that’s it.

My side is onion and red pepper and a little horseradish and beet mixture. Sublime.

*I had to defrost it slowly on the heated floors…it’s fucking 0 degrees here…..winter.

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I was trying to be funny and have IKEA dogs at home.

Major backfire.

I have no fucking clue why the bag of IKEA buns cost 13 Leva.

The sausages were 6 (that’s fine).

I have no fucking clue why ketchup costs 12 Leva.

I ended up eating 2 of them, they REALLY were not that tasty (they are super tasty at the stores).

Shared the 3rd one with the cats (they were yelling at me madly, what choice did I have?)……ONLY TO FIND 3 NEAT PILES OF SWEDISH VOMIT AT 4AM IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HOUSE.

IKEA is dead to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If you zoom in…

….Cali-fornia’s eyes are no longer infected….she’s so plump now, almost the size of a rotisserie chicken.


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Salmon and berries.

I put a little bit of pesto on the fish and used the power-oven….so dang delicious.

I also added a little paprika. Wild.

I should eat more fish, maybe my hair will grow back.

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I’ll only get food delivered.

And eat in bed.

I think I’m onto something revolutionary.

No bags of garbage and dishes.

No water or electricity waste.

Just a nice person coming to gate with nourishment.

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Please kill yourself.

Take Musk and Putin with you. Please do the planet a favor…..

You are all vile turd-monsters and history will not be kind to you.

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I made my awesome spinach and bean soup.

It was 100% vegetarian before I added the Bulgarian sausage. I still find Bulgarian sausages like this without any flavor. It’s a shame…really strange.

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We only stayed up till 3 last night. Almost no booze….perfect!!!


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