Rooster sacrifice today.

And people say that being religious isn’t a SEVERE form of mental illness/retardation that should require counselling and medication.

“In Bulgarian folk tradition, the holiday is also known by several names, such as Ihtim, Ihtima, Petarovden, or Petlarovden, each linked to the central ritual of rooster sacrifice. In households with male children, a rooster is offered as a sacrificial gift. The ritual is conducted by boys aged 15 to 16, known as the “petelar,” under the condition that they are “sexually pure,” a belief thought to ensure the ritual’s effectiveness. The rooster’s blood is used to draw cross signs on the foreheads of boys, marking them for health throughout the year. Crosses are also marked on doors and gates, with the rooster’s head placed at the east side of the gate for protection against evil forces.”

Disguising…fucking disguising.

(ohh and yes, these fucking idiots use the rooster’s head to “draw” with).

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