I’m on a date.

This is normal.

The conversation turned to artificial intelligence and machine learning….and…now…it appears my date fell asleep.

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Russian beer..is actually OK.

Never seen this before.

I really need to learn Russian soon….the friendly amphibious attack is coming soon and I will be enslaved.

Maybe I will become a security guard or work in the potato fields.

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These are so fucking funny.

They are sold as crab leg meat but in reality it’s just sirimi (Pollock)..in a ball then deep-fried and coated…then some cool and smart people have a job where they insert a dead crab leg end (which is actually real) to the end of it….to make it?? look??? like a piece of crab meat is inside.

This world is fucked to fuck.

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KELLY AND LARK in Valencia.

I need to come visit soon and PARTY PARTY and do some Spanish shopping…….and PARTY PARTY. I really need a proper holiday!!!

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Fucking hell..

I had to get some sleep. I’m not the young raver I once was.

Really into these pickled fishes for breakfast.

The fried one was super tasty but I think I like the pickled stuff morer….and especially the 20Leva portions of octopus. It’s worth it for me considering an ugly and depressed cheeseburger around here costs 15.

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