Severe weather warning..

………..and I have to keep the catbot in the shade, otherwise it gives me an angry warning “melting, melting” triangle on the display.

New book today.

This is the tastiest food on earth…..

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Finished the AI book.

It was just mehhhh. I wish it would have dived deeper into more tech, complexities, more detail.

I almost feel line I could feed the contents of this whole book into CjatGPT and truncate it into one or two chapters…with ease.

In parallel I’m reading the history of Intel book which is drastically more insightful and interesting.

The early computer history, especially what was happening in the US and Silicone Valley is just so fucking interesting…so much was going on in USA in terms of tech post WWII.

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Well, it is oficially the hottest I’ve ever felt…

EVER IN MY LIFE..and that includes Greece and Thailand. Sunny looks completely deserted…not even one place by the pool..nobody on the streets..nobody on the patios…even the coffee shop I went to for lunch..was EMPTY!!

Feels like some fucking zombie movie out there.

I have to go home at ALL COSTS…it’s 21 inside….

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I love Mondays but I think…

They shouldn’t just be sleeping days…they should also be fun days. Nesebar new town is awesome and I got seafood risotto, which is realistically just cheap 20 cent rice with some cheap carp from Manitoba.

It was oddly tasty.

Also picked up my Temu and had a nice afternoon cake and cold coffee. The cake was hot, which is good….

(I like how the POS cybertruck became a global joke…just like I said it would).

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It’s so busy here at 11pm that I can’t even walk around…it’s just packed.

I took my scooter (forget about scootering)..but even walking around is just insane.

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LIDL bakery is fuckin’ LIT!!!!

No better place to buy anything breaddy.

Even their simit is 10x better than the stuff you get in Taksim……nothing makes sense.

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Octopus again today.

I can’t stop.

I am starting to love takeout and not spending 70 leva at the fucking supermarket everyday…then washing 33 dishes every evening..

Check out LIDL today….I “popped in” to grab a few little things.

Never again.

Doesn’t anyone work anymore…don’t they have anything better to fucking do?

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It’s probably the busiest around town (and especially new Nesebar…)..that I have ever seen….EVER.

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This is cat food.

Chicken breast with cheese in broth.

I continue to be Ugly’s best friend for life.

Thank you Amazon.

Thank you free shipping….


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I am trying to minimize my bread intake.

Super simple Thursday weekend burger…so tasty!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so fucking lazy, putting off my Varna holiday for days.

I need to get my shit together and start packing…

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