House still in disarray.

Concrete and paint-man is coming in a few days to finish everything up. He’s still busy with replacing a few pool tiles.

Mozzarella pizza for lunch with amazing tomatoes and potato salad. Still soooo gloomy out.

Time for a nice walk to the beach under the clouds.

Where the fuck is summer???

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Sooooo hungry from sleeping today.

My favorite crispy fish is back!!!!

It is soooooo much cheaper to eat out than to make this stuff at home.

Especially when you bring your own 2 Euro wine with you.

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We made pasta. I never make pasta.

I don’t really like pasta but I was lazy today and Jane’s had nice bacon!!!

I added too much olive oil…now I’m feeling greasy.

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I love Mondays.

Back in New Town, just can’t get enough of the veal soup and the fun girls who work here… fun fun fun fun…I can sit in the sun and read my book and people watch.

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I need to get up.

Crazy work day – making a super fancy chicken.

French style.

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