Cat Of Today (COT®).

holiday everyday
Episode 3 is out today….omg omg omg…
Look at this sidewalk…..
My fish burger was brilliant…they even added a bunch of pickles for me….so nice!!!!!!! A burger without pickles is like a cat without whiskers.
Have to stock up on cat stuff…..Holidays soon, finally!!!!!!! I deserve some time off.
Azis postponed last week’s show.
I used leftover bones from chicken place chicken, added corn and onions and red curry paste…..it’s awesome…omg.
I’m happy the prices here are exactly the same and they haven’t fucked around with the recipes.
Although don’t order livers here….they coat and deep dry them. Not optimal.
Birdie hates when I take photos of her, she knows I’m monetizing.
FUCKER….this is supposed to be my bike….FUCKER!!
But now the cockroaches are attacking…cockroaches….while the Ukrainians and NATO are peeing in laughter. What a neat change of events…
Fingers crossed we all see fuckin’ putin hanging in the Red Square ASAP…and the russian federation finally completely dissolved…and of course, all of these human pieces of shit out of Ukraine. NOW.
I am going dancing tonight..
Don’t ask, don’t tell.
The secret? The carrot adds the sweetness.
Pairs great with some Star Trek.
Mine is way cooler!!!