holiday everyday
Sorry…facts are facts.
Yes, I’m having daytime wine….but only because I’m on a trip. Zero booze policy at home still applies.
But also, the delicious cheese packaging color, matches the color of my bag. Life doesn’t get better than this…
I am not making this up, this is where I am staying all week…..this is literally my blog-update office till next weekend.
We’re having 1/2 a duck (quack quack) and Slovakian steak tartare….and….well..beer.
I don’t need to tell you how I’m feeling right now……
This is where Jesus and his friends live, so I’ve been told.
I’m also close to the rear exit in case of a water landing or decompression….but I don’t see any corrosion on the wings – fingers crossed I arrive alive.
Plus I got a cheeseburger with extra pickles..which add nutrition. Best breakfast EVER.
It’s super fresh and delicious and 3 Leva cheaper this year. I made paprika mushroom rice as a side….oghhhh and Piri sauce. Sooo good. Sleep early today..
OMG…truffle cake and a cappuccino at Flora. If this isn’t heaven, I don’t know what it.
White Rose was at capacity when I arrived. Sat on the bench outside….it was glorious.
Best sleep score in months + the cats love the added height and firmness. It’s a win, win, win, win, win situation.