I made a 4 bean and corn soup.

Used the blender. It’s all about SUPER PULSING, I am talking 1/100th of s second to get a little more coarse.

This fucking blender could start a tsunami if I was to dip it in the Black Sea.

If you eat around my last 2 prawns and my tiny piece of BBQ chicken this soup is 100% vegetarian……soooo fucking delicious and smokey.

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Bread has certainly doubled in price.

This is the shitty and cheapest stuff no human should ever eat….it used to cost 80 Stotinki…

****ohhh and this IS the super cheap store****

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I am not joking, few months ago there is NO possibility of her sleeping in that box….she couldn’t even stand in it.

I still need to order the scale.

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Chinese 4 lunch??? WHY NOT?

I still had a few prawns in the freezer from my prawn-kick last summer.

This week I eat everything from freezer…I have sooo much amazing stuff.

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My ideal dog.

If I lived a normal life I would TOTALLY have a dog.

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Breakfast is the least important meal of your day…

…that’s why I almost never eat breakfast…..until today..and it was fucking delicious.

The stupid weather is so stupid…supposed to rain..but it’s nice and sunny…and all my plans are ruined…actually because of nice weather…..because I didn’t make fun plans..and it’s nice..but I can’t go anywhere because I cancelled my plans…which means I am sitting on the balcony and crying…in this pretty weather..that can change at any second..

Or maybe it won’t change…..grr.

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