Month: August 2022
Alpina. Super rare.

This is the largest super yacht supply vessel in the world. It’s parked right now in front of our seaside Thai restaurant.
I love this.

My Ibiza is complete.
I’m listening to the best music in 15 plus years (beautiful techno)…pool bar….airplanes above….Corona in my hand and crazy heat…I just might cry.


Mexican tacos in Ibiza were delightful.

Moto Guzzi monster.

Super brand new VW…I FUCKING LOVE IT!!

Staying at an Ibiza seaside hotel. We’re not animals.

Dacia cab in Ibiza is pumping dark techno.

Barcelona train station yesterday! It’s really cool!

Our late bird. Aircon issues, that’s why late!!

What is this dumb shit?

Plane is late, of course.

This should get us about 3 cocktails at the clubs tonight.

Belgian fries last night in front of the church. Feeling very Europeany.

Super double BK Whopper. Kelly’s mission in life to get even fatter than he already is.

The airport here is almost the best ever. Epic grocery store and a variety of restaurants…..13Leva for a juice.

We are off to the airport and off to Ibiza….because let’s be honest, what else is there to do on a Monday morning?

This is the only cat I’ve seen since leaving Sofia. Very sad about that….not ONE proper cat in Barcelona. Sigh..

Amazing Denis is continually sending me up to date CATREPORTS.
He figured out a system to keep Ugly from stealing everyone else’s food.