New Hallmark movie but the lead woman is fat… The story is literally about how fat she is and her struggles.

I think I will pass this mess. Way to ruin a good thing, Hallmark.

UGH..I HATE THIS PLANET!! Normalizing obesity is fucking awful and detrimental to everyone.

“Nice seeing a different look from the typical actors,especially female lead wise however.. Hallmark has ways of turning things into clichéd or in your face messages(like drilling in a viewers head,this movie was about body positivity)instead of simply a plus-sized person in fashion versus otherwise dealing with everything along the way.”

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This is real and not a joke article.

Finally some great news for the Russian federation and its people as the country spirals down from its current 17th century life to the 13th.

The last resort at friendship is always trying to become buddies with the homeless drunk guy who lives in the dumpster on the other side of the world.

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