I dipped my spoon in it to taste and almost puked. 0/10.

holiday everyday
I dipped my spoon in it to taste and almost puked. 0/10.
Staying dairy-free. This was fun to make.
One was ham, one with chicken and livers…even made a dip and a salad.
Ok ok…… You marinate the chicken steak in super spicy salsa. OMG.
That doesn’t include the trip to the store to get 2 special bits and fasteners. Tile drilling is not for the faint of heart, one unsteady move and everything shatters and you need to buy a whole new apartment.
I did it myself because everyone is busy…or tired.
IKEA toilet paper holder coming next week.
Birdie is off-ham.
Life sure is topsy turvy…
Did you know that a hamburger and curly fries cost 25 leva now?
Two groups of people with brainworms would make for an epic comedy series.
I’m in it for the tech, it’s a good project, remember Google…. We’re still early.
Essential oils cure my anxiety and help me lose weight.
Their #1 export, I assume.
Let me tell you about.
I boiled last night’s chicken carcass, added loads of garlic, one carrot, countless odd herbs, onion…. Fried about 10 mushrooms in butter… corn starch for thickness, spicy sauce, 2 peaches (yes peaches)and pepper….3 tablespoons of sushi rice…. It’s sooooo gooey great….and really fucking’ greasy… Best food for 1am..
I should ONLY make soups.
I love walking to my veggie shop every morning (my morning is 3pm) browsing and chatting with everyone. Makes me feel like an old Eastern European man with absolutely nothing else to do. Hrm..
I pre boiled 2 potatoes last night and left them in the water. Cut them up gently and put them into the air fryer for 15 minutes this morning. A little course salt. They are so tasty….this is probably the easiest thing to make on the planet….they need nothing.
Might be able to turn off the gypsy Aircon for the 1st time in weeks. The main one is still on full…. God help us all.
Ugly does not like the smell of hot sauce….makes her tongue itchy.