Day: June 18, 2022
Turkish cop BMW. I love it for obvious reasons.
I think this is my favorite restaurant I’VE EVER BEEN TO. I THINK I SHOULD ONLY EAT TURKISH FOOD.

After a couple of beers I’m hoping to jump and swing from the tram all the way to the H+M.
I think I need another sweatshirt. I only have 20.

Chato the cat officially served me this bottle of Efes malt and even opened it for me.
Guess who’s getting a huge tip?
I remain living is heaven.

I have returned to the mighty Galata.

Always allow a dog to just lie there.


They’re filming a rap video.

Got shoes?

Carmel Americano at this place right now….oyyyyy.

If you don’t stop for some vitamin C your ears will fall off and you will lose your hearing right away.
According Wikipedia.

Islak hamburger is exactly what the name implies.
Shredded beef in a spicy sauce with a slice of cheese on a super soggy steamed bun. I wish I could live inside of oneā¦forever..

What a cool place to hang out.

Istanbul fish market and restaurant.

Can my weather be any better? I’ll do 30,000 steps today…easy…maybe…I need to finish my Efes.

Istanbul boat-zone..

Love this bus. Love the glued on Cadillac badge.

Starting my deep descend into The Grand Bazar.
More than 4000 shops and almost 1/2 million DAILY visitors.

Under bridge drinking at its best.

Huge bags of tobacco, when you’re really into it.
Turkey is a super tobacco country (not high education + poverty = almost always equates to cigarettes).

This bike has seen stuff.

The 6 stages of eating fishbread in Istanbul.
Unbelievable excitement to tears and thoughts of deep dejection and sorrow. I’ll have another on the way back like a heroin addict jonesing his next fit.

Spent 4 hours at the WORLD’S GREATEST SHOPPING CENTER ON EARTH EVER. Buying stuff for house. Here is a hint..

Always a fresh chai tea comes after you’re done with the 1st.
My new kettle shipped from Amazon on Wednesday, I might only drink chai forever…like a normal person.

The veggie soups here, as you can imagine, are bursting with flavor. I wish I could make a soup like this. It’s actually thin but probably made with 30 ingredients and spices.

Few photos. I’m super off the beaten path. Lots of poverty here.

I deserve a little chai and simit pause from my hectic life.

Grapefruit juice costs nearly as much as water. It’s all I’m drinking today.

Istanbul hairs.
I always try to find the weirdest and sketchiest and dirtiest and most out of the way place to het a haircut whenever I travel. Boy did i ever just have the most haircutting-fun ever.
Nicest guy ever. Only used scissors and a comb, nothing electric, nothing fancy. Haircut perfection, artisan. He snipped my eyebrows then proceeded to create this wild concoction at the end of his scissors – a ball of cotton dipped in some flammable fluid…lit it up to quickly burn off my ear hair.
The robe had sleeves.
Then he massaged my head and sprayed my hair and face with lime water. Sooooo nice.
2 euros. I’ll discuss how incredibly inexpensive everything here is. Way cheaper than Bulgaria since Turkey Lira dropped in value so dang much.
This has been easily the greatest hair experience of my life. 10/10.
Actually 1000/1000
I’m so fucking happy. What day.