Day: April 10, 2022
Those dang Ukrainians sure have deep pockets for some REALLY fancy cars.
The old bank next to Janets will be a “restaurant”.
This exact bread was 1LV less than 2 years ago.
But you should not buy this. This is the cigarettes of food here in BG and one of the reasons people die here 10 years sooner than people living in the modern world.
That’s my conspiracy theory thought.
Sometimes you just need an egg salad sandwich.
Yup, this is my dinner.
I’ve never had beef like this.
When people say “it tastes and melts like butter”….this is exactly that. Almost weird…maybe top 10 dishes I’ve ever eaten in my life.
Even the beets were super tasty.
One problem – everything should have been much warmer.
No joke. Flora is at 100% capacity.
I’m eating and having my Guinness at the bar.