holiday everyday
I can’t believe how far washing machine technology has come in just a few years. The 14000 spin cycle is about as good as the old dry cycle and it’s quiet and the machine doesn’t vibrate like an angry kangaroo.
The 15 minute gentle wash is all I will ever use and not having to add the fucking cleaning powder or fluid with every wash is about the greatest thing since grilled onions!!!
Also, receiving notifications when my wash is done as I walk over to the grocery store is a complete gamechanger!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally found the right underlay + small sushi run to Janet. Janet sushi isn’t very good but they have a new sushiman…and it looks WAYYYY better than before.
…..ohh and Tom Petty on the radio here…awesome.
It’s time to populate it with tuna!!!! AlexFish order next week!!!
……everything is completely closed. ZERO renovation progress as my dude is in the hospital and I’m just too tired to do anything (not that I actually make any progress at this point)….tomorrow we continue.
Why do I find this so interesting? Next time I will find crunches so I don’t have to go to Janet.
Although crunches were on sale today.
Thank you for reading my post.
I need to start the mounting process, if you know what I mean???
Not only does it arrive right at my door, it’s actually 22% cheaper. Live Love Laugh!!
The other one disintegrated and strangely
,Jumbo, doesn’t sell them.
…from 2 days ago. I actually like riding at night (unlike driving the van). My new crazy-ass off-road highway lights make everything daytime.
My Free GoPro GOOSENECK is arriving tomorrow and the washing machine should be here in about 10 minutes. Renovations are going SUPER slowly but moving forward at the very least!!!
Bought ready made pretzels that only need about 10 minutes of oven-time. Pretzle-Perfect.
So far everything is soft. Soft=bad.