Month: July 2021
Last 3 days. That was our hotel.
Cigarette pack protectors. Just in case.

Livers and spritzers. My 3pm Monday breakfast.

Bungee cord pizza take out from Flora.

I like my peaches like I like my men. Round and hard.

Riding the roads.

Million photos coming, here is a taste.


The life of an adventure rider. Almost 600k in 2 days.

First fill of the day.

We are off to a big festival. Are you?

In case you did not know.
Super spicy wild mushrooms. Sooo good and slimy.

Polish sausages arrived directly from Poland. Thank you, Jarek.

Epic trip tomorrow – the most epicest in a year or more!!!

Nowe leżaki.

Second pack arrived from AMZ. Perfect and cheapest luggage for the bike.

Monster Beemer from Poland. Super cool dude, boy did we ever banter!!

Scooter came out from retirement. Cleaning then trip to Kosharitsa to visit our best friends.

I should start taking battery charging videos.

Second orange oil change funnel for the scooter. Why are all the colors on Aliexpress always so mismatched?
I will have to email them and get super upset. I like doing that. I do not condone incompetence.

New muffler protector hand delivered yesterday by my BWM fixer.

Quickie snack at Shrek. Best BBQ in town. The chicken steak is insane.

Certainly the most expensive game I’ve ever bought. 7 days to go.

I’m grilling 10kg of onions.

Amalia bought her 1st sportsdress and it’s epic. Go Cleveland #1.

Kids keep on coming over to party with us. Sometimes 8 at a time. This makes me very happy.

I think our whole complex is on a bit of a bender.
Did you know that our whole apartment has NO ugly people? Not even one.
