What a wild day. I have more energy than a newborn skunk.

Bought sooooo much food.

On motorbike all day, it was sunny and warm and balmy?

I got octopus and turkey legs and chicken from France and super fresh veggies from LIDL.

And a huge motherfuckin’ bottle of shitty wine for 3 Leva.

And chicken thighs from France for the cats.

Bulgarian lunch in the sun.

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It’s go go go time..

Need to showcase new sweater in Burgas.

Hopefully hot wine soon….and a fucking haircut.

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I made pheasant today.

With my thrice “treated” potatoes. Boiled, cooled, boiled again on super high heat…cooled…then air fried with a gentle mist of olive oil.

The dead bird is “seated” on pesto that’s so insanely delicious you can die (and I fucking hate pesto and people who eat it). This is more creamy tomato based…it’s insanely delicious.

LIDL has sooo much cool shit now, almost everyday a fun treat…I will go back tomorrow and scrounge around the coolers.

Also…new plate. \

Thank you for reading.

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Sunny Beach mall continues to suck deep-ass.

It’s like a bad version of Temu crap for 20X the cost.

This place needs a cool place to hang out. I vote for a nice Starbucks/Subway/KFC collab.


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I love this.

Ukrainians should place a dozen or so of these magical boom-boom scooters all over Moscow and St Petersburg every day and remotely detonate them…just for LOLz.

Good job!!!

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Christmas crunch chocolate cake.

No idea what this means but it’s fucking delightful….crunchy chocolate mousse with some type of a sweet cheese…fucking hell.

My only work I had today is getting a haircut but lady is gone for holiday, other place down the street is closed, too. I look like Ralph Wiggums.

Also Showcasing my new blouse today…

Now what?

Ahhh mall trip…plus I need to pick up my game bird from Lidl.

SOOOO much stuff….

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This knife was originally almost 100 Euros on Amazon.

Then they had this crazy 50% off sale…I thought….meh…………..but later…they had one of those “timed sales” for some fucked up reason and I got this crazy ass heavy and super sharp clever for 16 Euros……

So..I got a 12 Euro knife for 16 Euros….great deal..and the knife feels REALLY FANCY, even the packaging.

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3 degrees coming home. Holy fuck it was cold.

I really should have worn my gear. Temps went from 13 to 3 in 10 minutes.

Today was also lithium grease on the clutch cable and the super weird clutch lever bolt. I have all these things in Google Calendar….and I love doing these little tasks.

McDonald’s was exceptional but still wayyyyyyyyyy too expensive, even with coupons.

Also, weird Japanese food in 2 days.

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Burgas shopping day. Hot wine soon. Truffle salmon is fucking epic.

Finished the shipping book just now. It was awesome.

Just reading about things I would never be exposed to, I know zero about….is great.

Visited brand new chicken place. Reviews are bad and onion rings taste like if you were to take a plastic drinking straw twisted it into a “ring” then tried to bite it..

Downtown vibe is incredible.

I bought a very expensive gift for the cats. I hope they appreciate it and be thankful…considering the state of this economy.

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YAY…last country finally got its membership.

What a crazy world we live in!!!

Over 60 million bucks russian cockroaches spent on misinformation in BG and RU to keep us out…..pheew.

Now the Euro…hopefully next year we can move away from the completely pointless currency that is the Bulgarian Leva (that’s costing the country millions).

Fuck russian cockroaches and fuck the russian political party that’s still slithering around Bulgaria’s politics…..FUCK YOU, you fucking primitive cunts.

Thank you for reading my rant.



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Chinese food and sleeping early today.

I have to wake up super early before noon. Maintenance-people are coming to do some painting and bathroom stuff…and I am going back to Burgas to explore some more. Holiday Monday tomorrow!!!

Rain continues..but it should be around 17 tomorrow…good enough 4 me.

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No stress evening.

People are having a party outside again.

I made a steak with my world famous garlic-tomato warm sauce, had a beer….and reading my book. This is what I do now.

Living like a senior citizen.

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Mid day reading in bed.

Almost done my book on oil tanker piracy and super behind the scenes life of a modern seaman working on a container ship.


**I really need to write more about my FUCKING AWESOME Burgas trip yesterday….it was sooo whirlwind and so fun. Urban hiking and talking with no less than 25 people…easily.

Everyone was so NICE and interesting…whatta aaaaahh fun day.

Must go back this weekend…hot wine calls.

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I ate a footlong double ham..

…that I brought home from Burgas. It was soggy with ham-juice and mayonaisse. Ate it with Sto, she loved it.

Quite frankly this might have been the best Subway experience in years. It was that good. The guy with the massive ears made it for me at Burgas mall. He never balks at my extra extra extra requests. Love a bud!!

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I need to change that…I think it’s 0 outside right.

Yes 0….if you walked outside right now you would freeze and die in 0 seconds.

It’s this bad.

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Sunday night.

Turkish pork salad. You use the lettuce to make little sweet hot togs. Is nice!

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