My food was absolutely fantastic once again.

Air fried chicken with tpotato puree. Tpotato is super sweet and potatoey, just revolutionary.

And FIGS for dessert.

I am still recovering from Sofia weekend….sleep early today.

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Have mentioned my new bag recently?

OMG it is sooooo damn cool. I’m trying to buy food and other stuff to match its color. Juice, cucumbers, green dish sponges. You get the picture.

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New empty sink policy. Hear me out.

I fucking hate dishes, there are always at least 4000 things to wash for no reason at all, I don’t get it. From now on, wash everything in real time. I have devised a system where I punish myself with 1 Leva whenever I leave a dish in the sink and put the money aside in a coffee cup. When it reached 100 Leva I go to Burgas and spend it on sushi.

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This is proposturious.

I really should be sleeping when the cats are.

Which means 93% of the day.

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Crazy awesome.

They are keeping the park and I WILL HOPEFULLY have lights to the main road and not a gravel pit I need to scarily accelerate from onto the back highway. This is just such great news for me.

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Look at me – Mr.Homemaker.

I am freezing some of the soup till another cold winter evening. It is VERY cold outside.

Ohh..and the IKEA 365 stuff is amazing. I have loads of containers now, even some big ones to make casseroles and shit like that.

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