Back home next week, I think it’s time for a BMW trip around Bulgaria. It will be nice to finally have a little bit of fun and enjoy the sun.
Tapas at home.
Barcelona Porsche.
GasGas trials bike…..with a plate….fucking cool.
Sangria Friday. It’s finally time to relax and unwind.
You don’t deserve a pet if you feed it vegetarian food.
This pisses me off to my absolute core to the max..fucking people..
I’ve never seen a Royal Enfield in person.
It’s sooooo pretty.
Larkin was judging me for 8 hours. He’s super disappointed in me…
Rightfully so…
Whattaaa day…
I need to sleep…
Cat house….she barely let me pet her…but why?
I need to reset my life.
Wine delivery….this is Spain.
Omg…whatta day.
So it begins…
Spinach empenada for breakfast…like a normal person.
Someone forgot to Windex my window..
If they’re cutting corners here, where else are they skimping?
Why does this wing look shorter than normal?
Is Wizz skimping.
Last day in Gdańsk…and I’m a little sad.
I got KFC ….Korean fried chicken and it was….meehhh.
The rest of the food was also SUPER MEHHH.
3/10. Sorry to be harshin’….
Pretty space, though.
Cats are doing great. Spain soon, I need a beach holiday stat.
I deserve it.
Beer today.
Everything is completely digital and high tech here.
I haven’t had to use cash ONE TIME…have taken zero out.
The absolute coolest computer shop in the center of Gdansk.
My awesome Polish friends are taking care of my cats and sending me photos of videos.
So zero anxiety. None…
Hospital where I was born. Looks AWESOME..
Below is my favorite sausage on earth. It’s almost uncooked, soft and gooey and so fucking flavourful.
My home city Gdańsk – at night. I’m having fun, in case you’re wondering.
Below is my very favorite street ON EARTH.